To help enhance flexibility and alleviate tension in your lower back, try this straightforward stretching regimen:
Begin with the Cat-Cow stretch: Assume a hands-and-knees stance, with your wrists aligned with your shoulders and your knees positioned beneath your hips. Inhale deeply, then arch your back while raising your head and tailbone toward the ceiling (Cow pose). As you exhale, round your spine and bring your chin towards your chest (Cat pose). Repeat this sequence for several breaths.
Next, transition to the Child’s pose: Starting from the hands-and-knees position, move your hips back towards your heels and stretch your arms forward. Ensure that your forehead is resting on the ground and take several deep breaths.
Afterward, practice the Cobra pose: Lie on your stomach with your hands under your shoulders. As you inhale, push into your hands and raise your chest and head off the ground (Cobra pose). Maintain this pose for a few breaths before returning to the starting position.
Proceed to the Seated forward fold: Sit on the ground with your legs extended in front of you. Reach forward and strive to touch your toes while keeping your spine elongated. Hold this position for several breaths.
Lastly, attempt the Supine twist: Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the ground. Lower your knees to one side and twist your torso in the opposite direction. Hold this pose for several breaths before switching sides.
Remember to pay attention to your body and avoid pushing yourself too far during each stretch. Hold each pose for at least 30 seconds and repeat the sequence 2-3 times.